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Grace VanderWaal Reveals Meaning Behind Her Debut EP, “Perfectly Imperfect”


Grace VanderWaal Reveals Meaning Behind Her Debut EP, “Perfectly Imperfect”

“I never grew up with the perfect poster child Broadway voice,” says the AGT champ

The night we saw Grace VanderWaal’s America’s Got Talent audition, we scoured the Internet to find more original music from the New York native, but didn’t have much luck. Last month, however, we hit the jackpot when Grace released her debut EP, Perfectly Imperfect. The five-song sampler soared to #9 on iTunes and garnered rave reviews from critics and fans alike. 

This week, Grace stopped by Music Choice and talked about naming the EP. “It would just be so easy to just name it ‘I Don’t Know My Name’ and I really wanted something that would perfectly sum up the entire album,” she says. “And it’s true. I never grew up with the perfect poster child Broadway voice and I think that kinda sums up the entire album.” Watch the interview clip below, and see what Simon Cowell had to say, too, courtesy of our friends at Music Choice. And if you haven’t already, listen to Perfectly Imperfect, below!

photo © Music Choice/Juan Lopez

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