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Help the Marano Sisters Save Camp Anuenue!


Help the Marano Sisters Save Camp Anuenue!

Laura & Vanessa are working to fund this important summer camp

You’ve probably seen Vanessa & Laura posting on social media about a 24-hour Facebook livestream to raise money for Camp Anuenue. The touching video below will help you understand why they’re so passionate about supporting this camp:

Camp Anuenue has been around for over 30 years, but unfortunately, they lost funding in 2014. Ever since then, the camp has been funded through donations of incredible people around the world. Currently, they’re about $25,000 away from being able to start camp on June 3. But if we all band together and donate a little something, it’ll go a long way!

If you have $1 or even $10, please click here to donate and help Vanessa and Laura Marano save Camp Anuenue!

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