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Kira Kosarin Opens Up About Anxiety: “No Matter How Bad It Gets, It Always Gets Better.”


Kira Kosarin Opens Up About Anxiety: “No Matter How Bad It Gets, It Always Gets Better.”

The Nickelodeon queen gets real.

When stars open up about their lives, it can make it easier for us to go through things we’re dealing with, like bullying or anxiety. Knowing that someone we look up to has been there and overcome a stress in our lives is comforting and reassuring.

Kira Kosarin has been our Nickelodeon queen since we first saw her kick butt on The Thundermans, and now we’re excited to see where her music career takes her. There’s no doubt Kira loves her fans and treats them like friends, and she recently took to Twitter to spread personal experiences she has had with anxiety. 

Mental health is something that is hard to open up about and we thank Kira for sharing her story. Remember, it will always get better <3

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