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Meet Kaitlyn Dobrow: Beauty Blogger and Quadruple Amputee


Meet Kaitlyn Dobrow: Beauty Blogger and Quadruple Amputee

She can do it all.

21-year-old Kaitlyn Dobrow is the epitome of strength. The beauty blogger has taken over social media with her stunning make-up tutorials and positive personality, but that’s not all: she is also a quadruple amputee. 

Kaitlyn lost her limbs a result of a strain of bacterial meningitis that she got when she was only 19-years-old, but that’s never stopped her from chasing her dreams. Even though she’s had to relearn how to do everything without her limbs—like daily tasks she used to complete easily—she’s risen above it all, refusing to let her struggles defeat her. Now she’s in Cosmetology School, fiercely chasing her dreams and inspiring us every single day.

On June 18th, Kaitlyn posted her first makeup tutorial video on YouTube. She performs this tutorial with her prosthetic arm, happily focusing on her goal to be a makeup artist – not dwelling on the obstacles she faces to get there. 

We could all stand to be a little more like Kaitlyn. She overcomes her challenges with bold lips, bright eyes, pin-straight eyeliner and a smile that shows the world that nothing will get in her way!

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