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See What The Lynch Boys Have Been Up To In Africa


See What The Lynch Boys Have Been Up To In Africa

“This trip is changing my life.”

Everyone knows the Lynch boys travel a lot when they’re touring as R5 with Rydel and Ellington, but the trip they’re on right now might be their best yet. They’ve been to Europe, South America, and all basically all over the world, but for the first time ever, they’re exploring Africa. 

They don’t have a ton of service which means not a lot of tweets and photos to Instagram, but here’s a roundup of what they’ve posted so far. 

Ryland posted this picture of the boys in a truck getting ready for a morning drive. 

It looks like hanging out on top of trucks is all the rage in Africa…

Ross posted a video of the guys on the back of a car looking at the beautiful views!

And this crazy video of a very unreliable shower…

Ryland is using the trip to flex his photography muscle…these photos look amazing!

Look at this plane the guys are taking! What an adventure!

We’re so glad this trip is changing your life, Ryland. We can’t wait to hear more about it when you guys get back.

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