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#MondayMotivation: Meet Candace Hill, the Fastest Girl in the World!


#MondayMotivation: Meet Candace Hill, the Fastest Girl in the World!

“The boys are too scared to run against me”

Our jaws dropped when we heard that the 100 meter run record had been smashed by a 17-year-old high school junior. Finishing the event at 10.98 seconds, Candace Hill officially became the fastest girl in the world.

“I’m still in shock about that label,” this Olympic hopeful said in the March issue of Seventeen. “The boys are too scared to run against me…They’ll take longer to get ready or ‘forget’ something in the locker room when they know I’ll be at practice with them.”

Like any underdog story, Candace didn’t start out as a superstar track athlete. When she first tried out for the team in seventh grade, she wasn’t the fastest and even lost her first race. But with a few years of hard work, she came out on top – big-time! Now, Candace is now the youngest runner to ever go pro.

“At first I was nervous,” she told Seventeen. “Just last year I was just a basic high school runner. But I realized that I’m moving on to bigger and better things, and that I need to take advantage of opportunities as they come to me.”

Go Candace!

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