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Our #MCM Is Uncle Jesse


Our #MCM Is Uncle Jesse

Have mercy!

Not only is Uncle Jesse our MCM, but he is our man crush EVERYDAY! He is one of the most beloved characters in TV history, and it totally makes sense! Not a lot of guys would move in with their bro-in-law to help raise his three nieces! Aside from that, there is just so much to love about him, so we put together some of our fave Jesse GIFs to celebrate. 

His friendship with his niece Michelle was the cutest! It literally had us all swooning.

I mean, look how cute!

Not only was he a great male figure in the girl’s life, but he also made sure to have a life of his own. He was the lead singer AND guitarist of Jesse and the Rippers!

We can’t forget to mention the relationship between Jesse and Becky. They were just GOALS!

Do you guys remember when he sang to Aunt Becky at their wedding?! That song is FOREVER in our hearts, and we are totally okay with it.

The music video for the song was just as good.

He also had the best hair.

And of course, he invented the best catch phrase in all of television history!

Overall, he is just our absolute fave guy!

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