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See Our Top 10 Amanda McKenna Vids


See Our Top 10 Amanda McKenna Vids

To celebrate Amanda’s 21st birthday, we’re showing you our faves!

Don’t you love when people are unabashedly themselves and don’t care what others might think? Amanda McKenna is one of those poeple! And in honor of her birthday, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite videos from her YouTube channel, AmandasChronicles. Check ’em out! 

1. That time she hilariously tested kids toys:

2. When she tried to wear high heels.

3. That one time she dyed her leg hair purple. LOLOLOL!!!

4. When she gave herself a haircut:

5. The time she made all of our hearts stop by calling (666)-666-6666.

6. When she came out to strangers in New York City:

7. When she did the most hilarious Q&A:

8. When she took a bath in a pool of slime:

9. When she tried on prom dresses like the queen she is!

10. When she walked on a million Legos

Happy birthday Amanda and thanks for all the laughs! Keep rocking the world like the incredible person you are.

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