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See What Kalin White and Myles Parrish Have Been Up To Since Their Split


See What Kalin White and Myles Parrish Have Been Up To Since Their Split

Both guys have really found their own sound and you need to hear it.

Since Kalin and Myles went their separate ways earlier this year, each of the guys has been working hard to develop their individual sounds. When the guys split up, it seemed like a huge loss to the fandom, but now we’re excited because both Kalin and Myles are getting to show us who they are as individuals through their music and now we just feel incredibly lucky to have both of them. 

In such a short amount of time, each of the guys has found their own sound and they’re able to make the art that they want to, which is such an amazing thing.

So what have the guys been up to since their split? A lot, actually! 

If you missed Kalin’s cover story on YSBnow, check it out here. 

Kalin dropped his debut project, Chapter 21 last week to rave reviews from his fans. The album is mature and Kalin gets into some deeper topics than he did as his rap duo with Myles. You can listen to it here. 

Myles has been releasing dope videos featuring verses that are so honest, it almost feels like he’s just talking right to us. Check out this video of him doing 32 bars! It’s appropriately titled, “32 Bars”

Just this week, he dropped another of these videos called “Me My Laptop and a Mic” where he pretty much explains what he’s been up to and it feels like a really connection between him and the fans.

We’re so excited for the both of them and we can’t wait to see where the next year takes them.

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