It’s easy to put others’ needs before your own, but we can’t stress the importance of taking time for you!
Sometimes life can feel pretty cold, but here are five things we try and do each day to live our best lives.
With a whole New Year just days away, we couldn’t think of a better time to share them with our #YSBnowFam.
Check out our top tips:
1. Drink Water
When celebs like Selena Gomez and Debby Ryan tell us their biggest skincare tips, drinking a ton of water is always #1 on their list. But it goes beyond helping your complexion. First off, science says dehydration literally makes you cranky. Water also helps flush out waste and bacteria, prevents headaches, and circulates nutrients throughout your body. The list goes on and on. They say you should aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces, which can feel like a lot. But start small – 8 ounces when you wake up, before meals, and at bedtime, and you’ll hit that number – and start feeling better – in no time.
2. Read
No, we’re not talking about your Twitter feed or biology book (but seriously, do your homework – you’ll thank us later!) We’re talking about taking 20 minutes a day to read something for your own pleasure. Whether it’s YA fiction or celeb penned pages, like Tyler Oakley’s Binge, reading’s a great way to wake up and get your brain going in the morning, or unwind before bed.
3. Exercise
Soooo, #1 on people’s lists of reasons to exercise is for physical reasons (i.e. weight loss or fitting into skinny jeans) And yes, those things are great, BUT, exercise is way more than toned abs. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which trigger positive responses in your brain and body. Working out reduces stress, anxiety, and helps you sleep better at night. Don’t have the money to join a gym rn? Too cold outside to take a walk? YouTube and Netflix have totally got you covered, and lots of the vids pack a punch in 10 minutes or less!
4. Ask An Old Friend Or Family Member How They’re Doing
Sometimes we get so busy with our daily routines (school, sports, etc.), we forget to check in with loved ones we don’t get to see all the time. So the next time you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, take a moment to scroll through the contacts in your phone. Pick one of them and give them a call, or take 30 seconds to write them a sweet text message. Not just a quick “hey what’s up,” but a couple sentences about how you appreciate them, along with a fun memory you once shared. You’ll make their day, and we promise it’ll put a smile on your face.
5. Meditate
Raise your hand if you’ve ever had the TV on, while watching a YouTube video, while sending a text. Yep, it’s exceptionally difficult to stop everything and sit in stillness for just a few moments, not thinking about anything other than being in that moment, while taking slow and deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Start slow – turn off the TV, put your phone on airplane mode, sit and meditate for just two minutes, and see how much better you feel afterwards. Katy Perry swears by meditation. “Life can get very difficult and chaotic, and sometimes you have to give yourself a break,” she says. “You have to give yourself a moment to revive, unplug, rejuvenate, and meditation does that for me.” Try it yourself – our go-to app is Headspace (R5’s Ellington loves it, too) but you can also find a ton of beginner meditation vids on YouTube.
So that’s it:
Drink water, Read, Exercise, Ask an old friend or relative how they’ve been, & Meditate. These five things are helping us live better and DREAM bigger, and we hope you’ll find them useful, too.