“How could my love for another person be wrong because of his skin color?”
18-year-old Allie Dowdle has been dating her boyfriend, Michael, for over a year. But when she showed her parents a picture of him, they flipped out. Why? Because he’s African-American. “I showed my parents his picture, and the conversation was over before it even began,” she shares. “My dad did not give me an option: He told me that I was not allowed to see Michael ever again.”
After that devastating day, Michael and Allie continued seeing each other, but hid it from her parents. However, after a while, they could no longer keep their relationship a secret. And what happened next was even more devastating – her parents cut her off completely and refused to pay for Allie’s college tuition.
So she took her plea to the Internet and set up a GoFundMe page to tell her story.
“How could my love for another person be wrong because of his skin color?” she writes. “And why would that make me unworthy of a future I’ve worked so hard for? Because my parents have listed me, their own daughter, as someone who is not worthy of their time and money, I have turned to the public for support. It hurts me to have to ask for money, as I’d rather be out working for it myself, but I currently have no other options. Even the smallest amount helps.”
We’re happy to report that #TeamInternet totally came out in full force for Allie. As of this moment, people have donated over $25,000 to help Allie pay for college. Yes, there is ignorance and hate in this world, but #LoveIsLouder. It was so brave of Allie to share her story, stay true to her heart, and use her voice to make a positive difference in the world, reminding us all that #LoveWins. Always.