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#TBT: A Look Back at the Hannah Montana Movie


#TBT: A Look Back at the Hannah Montana Movie

It’s the cliiiiiiiiiiimb!

The Hannah Montana Movie aired in 2009, and it seriously changed our lives. And seven years later, we love the Hannah Montana Movie just as much – if not more – so let’s celebrate this Throwback Thursday some of the greatest Hannah moments from the beloved Hannah Montana Movie. 


When Hannah, who was Miley in this scene, stopped her performance to reveal who she really was. Performing at home made Miley realize that she couldn’t be someone she’s not in front of family, and ummm we’re not crying…????

Also, her amazing rendition of “The Climb,” in case you needed to cry some more.

The Hoedown Throwdown – which we all practiced this for hours back in the day. This catchy song and dance routine had an entire crowd taking part in the movie, much like the scene in our living rooms back in 2009.

This list wouldn’t be complete without Miley meeting (re-meeting?) Travis. This awkward but magical encounter has Travis riding up to Miley on HER horse and they figure out they were in first grade together…

…when Travis hung Miley down a well because he had a crush on her. Questionable flirting, but it all ended up okay, we suppose.

We love and miss you, Hannah!

BRB, listening to The Climb on repeat.

by Arielle Schunk

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