WWPD (What Would Peyton Do?)
At only 18 years old, Peyton List seems to have life figured out! If you follow her on social media, you know much she values self love, kindness, and women empowerment, which we definitely love. She always makes sure to share inspiring quotes and she has made it her mission to make her fans feel special and loved. For example, a few months ago she tweeted that, “The people who judge you for being weird are probably just too scared to show their weirdness.” We love this! We love that Peyton takes a stand and spreads the message of love.
To celebrate Peyton as our WCW, we gathered together a few of her most inspirational and inspiring social media posts! Take a look below!
This street art inspired Peyton so much that she just had to share it with her Twitter followers!
Peyton is right, it can definitely be intimidating to go into a dressing room, so we love that Aerie made an effort to make women feel comfortable in their own skin. We also love that Peyton shared this for her young followers!
Sometimes the world can be a scary place, which is why we love that Peyton shared this quote about loving one another.
Peyton’s fans loved that she shared this quote on Twitter.
Unfortunately, people tend to put women against each other instead of sharing the love. We love that Peyton is supportive of her fellow ladies.
Peyton met the sweetest young man on a flight who was willing to give up his seat so she would be able to make it home on time. Although they both ended up making the flight, she was inspired that a stranger would be so willing to do such a nice act.
She knows that being mean is not the way to go. She supports kindness!
She loves to share quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.
Since Peyton has a lot of young fans, we love that she is able to share that bullying is not the way to handle any situation.
Overall, we just truly adore Peyton and we think she is one of the best role models!