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What Does The Unicorn Frappuccino Really Taste Like?


What Does The Unicorn Frappuccino Really Taste Like?

We asked a barista!

What’s up guys?! By now, we’re sure you’ve heard of Starbucks’ newest drink, the unicorn frappuccino! 

After all, it was trending all day on Twitter yesterday, which is a pretty big deal. We heard so much about it that we had to go out and get one for ourselves so we could let you know exactly what one of these colorful drinks tastes like. 

Before tasting it, we asked the barista exactly what flavors go into the frap, and he told us the main flavor is actually mango!

The drink was definitely delicious, super sweet, and kind of a milky, mango, cotton candy mix. 

We’d recommend it to anyone who loves frappuccinos, mango flavor, or is looking to try something new! But here are some celebs who are loving the drink too: 

Let us know if you’ve tried it yet by tweeting us @YSBnow!

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