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EXCLUSIVE: Hulu’s “East Los High” Gets a 4th Season!


EXCLUSIVE: Hulu’s “East Los High” Gets a 4th Season!

“We are all so excited,” says Vannessa Vasquez. More inside!

One of our biggest obsessions is East Los High, which premiered on Hulu back in June of 2013. We love that it’s not a show about spoiled teenagers (no offense, Gossip Girl!) Instead, East Los High fearlessly tackles real-life issues that young people face, like teen pregnancy and domestic violence.

The series also boasts an amazing cast, including one of our faves, Vannessa Vasquez (pictured above), who plays Camila. “We are all so excited and grateful,” she tells YSBnow exclusively. “The love we have from our fans has kept us going, and it’s been an amazing journey!”

We’re so excited that their journey will continue – be on the lookout for new episodes in 2016. And if you haven’t watched the show before, now’s the perfect time to stream all 48 epic episodes, only on Hulu!


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