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EXCLUSIVE: Symon Reflects on Being Bullied and Why She Came Out On Top


EXCLUSIVE: Symon Reflects on Being Bullied and Why She Came Out On Top

“From that dark point, I got so into one of my classes…”

Bullying is always hard no matter what. There are a lot of important things to remember when it comes to bullying. First, that it is NEVER okay to bully someone, but secondly, most bullies are doing ti because of their own insecurities or issues in their own lives that hurt so badly that the only way they feel better is to put that negative energy onto someone else. 

So what can you do? It’s okay to be hurt and you have to acknowledge your feelings, but if you can find it in yourself, focus that energy onto something that will help you. 

For Symon, that energy was focused on one of her classes – sign language. She used that to build herself up and pick up a new skill – and it made her a life long and unsuspected BFF along the way. 

Watch our full exclusive with Symon below. 

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