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EXCLUSIVE VID: Rydel Lynch Takes The Burger Taste Test


EXCLUSIVE VID: Rydel Lynch Takes The Burger Taste Test

In N Out, Five Guys, or Shake Shack?!

It’s Rydel Lynch’s birthday and the singer/keyboardist/role model turns 25 today! Rydel has inspired us for a lot of reasons, like her consistent positive attitude and her musical talent, but today we’re focusing on another one of Rydel’s many awesome qualities – her love of food!

Rydel is always letting us know what’s good when it comes to snacks or yummy new things to try, like her mac & cheese tutorial video:

Or the time she tasted a bunch of candies from Argentina:

This time, YSBnow’s Colleen and Natasha joined Rydel for the ultimate BURGER challenge! Watch them decide between LA’s three most popular burger spots:

Happy birthday, Rydel! Thanks for being you!

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