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Gina Rodriguez Shares Throwback Video of her “No-Nonsense” Father


Gina Rodriguez Shares Throwback Video of her “No-Nonsense” Father

“Don’t mess with a Rodriguez!”

By: Emily J

It is no question that Gina Rodriguez is pretty hardcore. Now, we know why. 

On Wednesday, the Jane the Virgin star got sentimental and posted this video of her father refereeing one of Ronald Weaver’s (a famous boxer) matches. From the looks of it, it seems that Gina’s father had no problem getting all up in the boxer’s face to set him straight and to make sure both competitors were acting sportsmanlike. 

“Last summer I boxed everyday at @neworleansboxingclub and Ronald Weaver taught there. Well, this gem just came up, the time MY DADDY-O referring his [Weaver’s] old match and my dad almost devoured him. Old footage of my pops is the BEST!!! Where I get my badassery from, don’t mess with a Rodriguez!” the caption read. 

Gina has been known to praise boxing and how it was a big part of her life when she was growing up. In April issue of Women’s Health magazine, she celebrated her dad and how the sport gave her strength both mentally and physically. 

“My father was a referee for boxing, so I grew up boxing since I was three,” she said to Women’s Health. “[The] strength – inner strength – the idea that you can protect yourself and never have to use it, the idea that it doesn’t matter what size I am, inside is so strong. Mind over matter is so strong. It’s something you learn in the ring, you can’t give up. To me, it’s interesting, I feel like boxing is very much like acting, except you’re just fighting yourself.”


Check out Gina’s fierce video below!

Do you have any #throwback videos of your parents? Don’t be shy to tweet them at us @ysbnow!

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