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See the Awesome Way Sia is Giving Back This Winter


See the Awesome Way Sia is Giving Back This Winter

“The Greatest” singer is, well, the greatest.

Over the past week or so, it has been exceptionally cold across the United States. Some parts of the midwest dipped into record-low temperatures, with the east coast also dealing with sub-zero temperatures and brutal winds.

While dangerous cold isn’t fun for anyone, extreme weather conditions greatly affect the homeless, who are unable to find a warm and safe place to stay. Extreme cold also tends to hit food banks (right when they need it most!) because it becomes challenging for donors to bring their bags of donations out to pantries like they normally would.

Making a big effort to help out, the Sia took to social media to ask big hotels to consider taking in the homeless across bad weather areas – and she offered to pay for any rooms needed.

She also asked food brands if they would be willing to supply some hot meals:

And it’s working! So far, Sia has gotten responses from major corporations like Hyatt hotels and Pizza Hut, who stepped up to the plate to help:

What’s even more amazing is that the singer’s posts triggered fans to get involved themselves!

Many responses on Sia’s chain suggested nearby locations to contact, and some individuals even offered to pay for additional hotel rooms and food themselves.

We love that Sia is using her platform to help others – and inspire more fans to give back when they can. To see how you can help out in your hometown, visit

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