From Vanessa Marano to Victoria Justice, see who started out in Stars Hollow!
by Molly Thomson
So it’s #NothingButGilmoreGirlsNovember, and we are striking another day on the countdown to November 25th’s highly-anticipated Netflix revival.
You may be thinking, “Oy, with the poodles already.” If you’re anything like me, chances are many of you already know every rapid-fire pop culture reference, quippy comment, and early-2000s ensemble the show has to offer. Still, there are a number of celebrities who have cameos or recurring roles on the show who you may not have recognized, and we are rounding them up and letting you know who is coming back–and who isn’t.
1. Vanessa Marano as April Nardini
We all know Vanessa as Bay from “Switched at Birth,” but she also played the highly-controversial April on “Gilmore Girls,” Luke’s secret love-child who caused more than a few problems for Lorelai and Luke’s relationship. On the bright side, chances she causes problems in the revival as a college student are much slimmer.
Coming back?: YES.
Best quote: “I told Melissa’s dad that I couldn’t come because I had gotten the curse, which is perfect, ‘cuz you know how awkward men get about menstruation.”
2. Krysten Ritter as Lucy
Ritter has since achieved fame as the title character in the Netflix original “Jessica Jones,” but back in the day she was Rory’s smart and playful friend from Yale, Lucy.
Coming back?: NO.
Best quote: “Hey, compliments only from boyfriends on birthdays.”
3. Max Greenfield as Luke (Ambiguous friend of Dean)
Yes, that’s right, the infamous, driving-mocassin-owning, expensive furniture-loving Schmidt from “New Girl” used to play Dean’s dopey friend on “Gilmore Girls.” He didn’t have many lines, but the ones he had were memorable.
Coming back?: NO.
Best quote: “Hey, my name’s Luke too. We should start a club!”
4. Jane Lynch as a Nurse
You know Jane as the morally ambiguous Cheerios coach from “Glee,” but before that she had a cameo appearance as a hospital nurse who did not have any patience for matriarch Emily’s antics.
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: “…I’ll go.”
5. Billy Burke as Alex Lesman
Before he was Bella’s dad, Charlie, from “Twilight,” Billy Burke played Lorelai’s love interest Alex for a brief period of time.
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: “Don’t look at me. I’m still wondering if Mellon’s a man or a woman.”
6. Victoria Justice, unnamed party guest
At just ten years old, “Gilmore Girls” was Victoria’s first (!!!) acting gig. She played a guest at a “Lord of the Rings”-themed birthday party who did not like Sookie’s cooking.
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: “It tastes like diapers.”
7. Alex Borstein, Drella
We love Alex best as the principal in “The Lizzie McGuire Movie,” but Bornstein also played a sassy harp-player in season one of “Gilmore Girls” who didn’t take direction especially well and liked to play Black Sabbath in the inn.
Coming back?: Unconfirmed.
Best line: “I’m sorry, did you not want a harp player?”
8. Arielle Kebbel as Lindsay
Arielle has been in everything from “Aquamarine” to “The Vampire Diaries.” She also used to play Dean’s wife, Lindsay, in “Gilmore Girls.”
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: “My mom put gummy bears in them like I’m five or something.”
9. Bryce Johnson as Paul
“Pretty Little Liars'” Detective Wilden played a too-young love interest for Lorelai, prompting Luke’s jealousy.
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: (from Lorelai, technically: “I swear he looked older before!”)
10. Chad Michael Murray as Tristan
That’s right, Tree Hill’s own Lucas used to play popular and arrogant high-schooler Tristan in the early seasons of “Gilmore Girls.”
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: “And she’s reading again. How novel.”
11. Kendall Schmidt as Kid #1
While Kendall wasn’t even give a name in “Gilmore Girls,” he did get to verbally spar with Luke, which is an honor in its own right.
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: “Thanks. I appreciate that.”
12. Monique Coleman as Journalist at Yale Daily News
Before she was ever in “High School Musical,” Monique Coleman appeared in a single episode of “Gilmore Girls” in a fiery exchange with editor Doyle.
Coming back?: NO.
Best line: “Can you take that and beat him to death with it?”
While most of these minor characters won’t be coming back to appear in the revival, it’s fun to go back and reminisce on this early stage in their careers. Go forth and binge!