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#TotallyCuteTuesday: Zach Clayton


#TotallyCuteTuesday: Zach Clayton

10 reasons why we wish he was our #InstaBae

1. He’s honestly soooo relatable:


2. He’s literal #PromDateGoals:

3. We’d pay to watch him on “Top Chef”

4. He posts the most epic throwback pics on the planet:

5. Because #BathrobeGoals:

6. He has the cutest relationship with his mom:

7. He always supports his friends’ projects:

8. He’s following his dream of being a singer:

9. And his latest music vid is everything:

10. He loves his fans more than ANYTHING:

We’re so excited to hear more from Zach, and hopefully interview him early next year. In the meantime, we’ve got his brand new single, #InstaBae, on repeat, and so should you!

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