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#WCW: Zoella Opens Up About Anxiety


#WCW: Zoella Opens Up About Anxiety

“A decade of anxiety isn’t going to be resolved with a click of a finger”

You may know Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) as the Queen of YouTube, from her line of beauty products, or from being a bestselling author with her books Girl Online and the sequel, Girl Online: On Tour. But what you might not know about Zoella is that, yes, she appears picture perfect on social media but she also struggles with anxiety. 

On her personal blog yesterday, she wrote a post called “Anxiety: The Update”. There she explained in depth about her struggles and how she finally went to go seek professional help. “Although I never made it aware about how bad the bad moments were, around the end of 2014, they were particularly awful and I was done being ‘Zoella With Anxiety’. I started having weekly therapy sessions without fail and decided to learn to manage my anxiety behaviors once and for all.” 

“A decade of anxiety isn’t going to be resolved with a click of a finger. It’s something you have to work bloody hard at. You have to push yourself, you have to know when something is too much and you have to give yourself a massive pat on the back when it’s going right, even when it’s baby steps,” she continued. 

She then reported after continuous therapy sessions for 6 months, her anxiety is finally decreasing and she is seeing so much improvement. We love Zoella and that is why we have made her our #WCW this week. Shine on, Zoella! 

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