Plus: A very happy birthday to bae, Zac Efron! He turns an incredible 29 years old tomorrow. Like WHAT?!?
Your #YSBnowScope
(March 21 – April 19)
Skai Jackson – 4/8
Put your heart into what’s important to you, and you will definitely reach your goals this week. Give a helping hand to someone in a struggle this week and you’ll create breathing room when you need a favor in return. If a little thing gets in your way, just “let it go” and move on past it!
Your lucky day will be: THURSDAY!
(April 20 – May 20)
Gigi Hadid – 4/23
If you’ve been looking for moral support…look no further. Time to share your thoughts and plans for the future with your bestie. It just so happens that someone you admire may overhear what you’re trying to do and will want to take part in it. How very cool! Work hard and everything will come together!
Your lucky day will be: TUESDAY!
(May 21 – June 20)
Troye Sivan – June 5
Over spending this week will be a big no-no! Be really careful how you spend your money over these next few days. You don’t need to add to your stress. Find a way to bring about positive changes without breaking your budget. Picking up a new skill or cutting your costs will improve your situation.
Your lucky day this week will be: THURSDAY!
(June 22-July 22)
Selena Gomez – 7/22
Let your creative imagination wander and you will come up with a hobby that eases your stress. Too much social interference will put you in a difficult position. Allow everyone to do his or her own thing while you focus on yours.
Your lucky day this week will be: FRIDAY!
(July 23 – August 23)
Olivia Holt – 8/5
A job prospect will grab your interest. Send out signals to let everyone know you are interested in pursuing something new. A change, including an after school or weekend job, will do you lots of good and it will also help build back your confidence at the same time.
Your lucky day this week will be: WEDNESDAY!
(August 23-September 22)
Kelsea Ballerini – 9/12
Do something that will get your adrenaline flowing. The more active you are, the more impressed everyone will be with you. Your determination and dedication will help turn an fun friendship (friend or crush) into a stronger more meaningful relationship.
Your lucky day this week is: SATURDAY!
(September 23-October 22)
Kira Kosarin – 10/7
Be aware of the people you spend time with. If you are getting negative vibes, follow your gut instincts. Don’t share too much of your feelings. Just change the course of your social journey. Don’t get angry; just make the changes.
Your lucky day this week is: MONDAY!
(October 23 – November 21)
Kendall Schmidt – 11/2
A crush may be in your midst this week. Keep a look out and keep your incredible smile close by. You have so much to offer and when you’re with the right person, laughing and fun conversation is effortless. As soon as you feel it, mark the moment. Then make plans to do something fun together. Maybe a pumpkin patch or a haunted house this weekend! There’s some good stuff coming up!!
Your lucky day is: TUESDAY!
(November 22 – December 21)
Grayson & Ethan Dolan – 12/16
Someone may try to mess with your feelings this week, causing confusion and indecisiveness. If your family member is telling you they see a red flag, then listen to them. You may be blinded by your emotions. Let the people who look out for you, help guide you through this situation and keep your heart safe.
Your lucky day this week: WEDNESDAY!
(December 22 – January 19)
Dove Cameron – 1/15
Guess what? You, my friend, are a leader! You may have second guessed yourself, you may have been feeling insecure. But there is no doubt that it’s time for you to grab onto the reigns and make some things happen! Don’t worry, people have noticed how hard you’ve been working & how much you’ve been putting yourself out there. Be brave, be bold and make your move!
Your lucky day this week will be: SUNDAY!
(January 20 – February 18)
Johnny Orlando – January 24
Have you seen someone recently who has seemed lonely or sad? There is a reason that you’ve noticed. You are drawn to this person for a reason. Time to step in and let them know they are not alone. Let them know you are a friend. Reach out (even thought it’s outside of your comfort zone) and get to know them. Don’t put pressure on the situation, just make it easy and friendly. Lots and lots of good will come from this new friendship!
Your lucky day this week is: MONDAY!
(February 19 – March 20)
Jordyn Jones – 3/19
Ok now that has been enough procrastination! Time to take action. Right now you think that you have all the time in the world, and in a way you do. But, if you keep thinking that way, it’s going to catch up with you super fast and you’re going to be in trouble. Save yourself the stress and aggravation by digging in and taking care of it THIS WEEK. You will be so relieved and happy you did.
Your lucky day is: WEDNESDAY!