Brec, Veronica, Isaak, and way more spill their organization tips!
Staying organized is perhaps the most important thing to focus on in school. Being organized makes everything so much easier, trust us!
We asked our celeb friends for tips on staying organized right off the bat when you start school and they answered!
“I always liked to have separate binders for every class. Decorating them is also a fun way to stay organized and get creative!” – Veronica Dunne
“I’ve noticed that having a nice desk or locker helps me find everything much quicker so a good way to make sure that happens id say spend 5 minutes at some point during the day to keep it organised. It’s so worth it. ” – Isaak Presley
“To stay organized right off the bat I would always invest in organization tools! Whether it be extra folders to separate work from different classes or different colored pens to color code your notes, it’s worth it. One of my tips for staying organized is to not hoard old assignments/ work. Have a basket at home that you empty yours old assignments in, so you have them if you need reference but they are not cluttering your locker or binder.” – Brec Bassinger
“For me, being organized right off the bat at school was a must. I always get excited in a way to have a fresh start and chance to reorganize every year. My tip is to have a system. Wether that’s folders, or notebooks, or a binder, have a system! For me a binder works best divided up into my subjects, but everyone is a little different. If you go into the first day with your organization system all planned out, you’ll start the right way and hopefully be able to keep it going through the year! ” – Sophie Reynolds
“Staying organized is a huge part of school for me. I like to keep a daily planner and binders to keep subjects super organized. If you don’t stay organized you can loose important papers, and notes and get the school year off on the wrong foot.” – Ronni Hawk
“Go over your class schedule the night before so your notebooks and supplies are in order. Make a check list for each class in the first day of school so you can write down what you need and get the supplies right away. Don’t wait.” – Chloe East
“What works best for me is making lists and highlighters. I always the day before big days like the first day of school have a handwritten list made out of my day along with a copy of my class schedule. There is something about handwriting the list that helps me remember and stay organized.” – Sixx Orange
Were these tips helpful? Do you guys have any other questions you want your fave celebs to answer?